Monday, July 23, 2007

Our summer trip to Atlanta & Tennessee

It was a fun road trip! Wyatt did great! We went to Atlanta to visit my stepbrother, Dr. Todd. I hadn't seen him in quite awhile. He is so fun to talk with and hang out. We had a great time catching up, taking pictures in his front yard, and going for a walk around his neighborhood looking at all the neat homes! Thanks, Uncle Todd for letting us stay with you!
We also went for my sister and brother in law's Tae Kwon Do tournament. They both did very well placing 1st or 2nd in each area they competed. Wyatt learned how to "Hey Yah." He has learned he can't kick without a turtle shell. Thanks Aunt Susan! :) I wasn't sure how I was going to teach him that one...
While we were in Atlanta my dad and Amy drove over, and we caught a Braves game at Turner Field. It was fun and Wyatt enjoyed the baseball but not all the noise.
After our weekend in Atlanta we went to spend a couple of days with Grandmother. Wyatt quickly renamed her, "Honey." It was precious. I couldn't figure out why he called her that except when she called Wyatt "honey." So, great-grandmother is now "honey" which melted her heart. She is doing very well for 84 years old.
After leaving "Honey's house" as Wyatt refers to it. We went to Granddaddy, Grammy, and Uncle Matt's home. Wyatt had lots of fun with Uncle Matt.
He also loves his new sunglasses from Granddaddy and a special thanks Grammy for the Organic Grape Juice and organic peanut butter cookies. They helped make our trip home easier!

All through the trip Wyatt kept saying, "I go home." I would have to say not today Wyatt we are... and we would go about that day. Today Wyatt said, "No go home." However, we are home for awhile enjoying the rest of our summer!


jenny biz said...

Enjoy the rest of your summer!! It looks like you guys had a great trip!!! So good to see pics of your fam!
Love you, Holls!!!

Kayla said...

That sounds like quite at trip! Wonderful that you were blessed to see so much family. Enjoy the rest of the summer. You have a huge change coming this year. I look forward to hearing about your new role. Love ya!

Erica said...

Looks like a fun trip!! I just love seeing pictures of your precious little boy. Maybe we will get to see ya'll soon.

I am praying for you to have a wonderful school year already:)