Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Good Morning Grubbs house!

Daddy is in Kansas City on work. He travels about once every month and this week he is gone.
Last night was such a fun night. If you aren't wanting to have children yet, you should have been in our home last night. Wyatt missed Chris so much he was up 3 different times in the middle of the night crying for dada. Finally, on the 4th time I just let him sleep with me I was so tired.

Remington, our dog, needed to go outside twice to check out the thunderstorm we were having. I was so sleepy! At 2:21am I wake up to see my clock flashing. The electricity has gone off in our house. As some of you know, once I am asleep it takes me awhile to wake up. The intelligent person I am at 2:21am thought okay good the clock is keeping time.

So, this morning...Chris calls me on my Sprint PCS phone. I go to answer it thinking he is calling to say good morning and wake us up. All to my surprise, the phone said 7:45am. YIKES! I am suppose to be picking my students up right now at school. Why couldn't Wyatt or Remington woken up at 6:00am or even 6:30am...I guess they just enjoy the early morning hours!

An hour later, I made it to school in one piece after grabbing breakfast at McDonald's and dropping Wyatt off at Mrs. Vicki's. Welcome to good mornings in the Grubbs home!

1 comment:

jenny biz said...

Of course those type things happen when hubbie is gone!! :) Glad the morning worked out! You are gifted at staying calm in crisis!!